Foundation visited the New Canonised the Holy Bosiljka mammaproduction Kosovo and Metohija 25/05/2018The Church dedicated to the Holy Bosljka – village Pasjan. Church is from 14th century. ...
Foundation visitied the Monastery Draganac mammaproduction Kosovo and Metohija 25/05/2018Draganac Monastery, dedicated to the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, is an Eastern Orthodox monastery located in the rolling hills...
Foundation Empress in the village Ranilug Kosovo and Metohija mammaproduction Kosovo and Metohija 25/05/2018Foundation Empress in the village Ranilug, at Kosovo,and Metohija, at their Cultural Center: on the Theatre and local Library. 17th...
Foundation Empress visited Kosovo and Metohija between 17 and 24 May 2018 mammaproduction Kosovo and Metohija 25/05/2018 Photos from Ranilug municipality in North Kosovo. Foundation Empress visited Kosovo and Metohija between 17 and 24 May. Foundation Empress...
Царица Јелена – мајка Цара Констатина 16. маја у Нишу и 18. маја на Косову mammaproduction Empress 14/05/2018O ЦАРИЦИ ЈЕЛЕНИ Жена колос – несвакидашње судбине и омамљујуће лепоте. Утемељила je нову цивилизацију коју данас знамо као западну...
The Lowyer Aleksic from Nis Filed Lawsuit Against NATO’s Uranium Bombing mammaproduction Forum for Living History Stockholm 10/02/2018
today passed away the teacher of religious education Mladenka Zekovic mammaproduction in memoriam 06/11/2017Receiving the Holy Secrets of the Body and Blood of Christ, she passed away in the Lord on November 6,...